Saturday, June 4, 2011

Weekend so far...

Met honey for happy hour at Sam's on the Square.
Ate Pei Wei for date night and sat at the counter so we could watch them cook and feel like we live in a the big city.
Went to Barnes and Noble to buy a Math and Reading book for big boy to work on for the summer... we shall see.
Went to 3 Spoons with the rest of town to get some delish fro yo.
Came home and watched Spider Man with James 18 year brother who is living with us for the summer( more on that tomorrow).
Finished The Help ( more on that sometime soon.)
Woke up this morning and drank coffee in a quiet house because our boys spent the night at the grandparents which they do just about every Friday night. I know, it is one of our greatest gifts.
Had Leal's for breakfast. For you non Wacoans, it is a breakfast burrito dive that I have been going to since I was 13. I can remember waking up in the summer, watching Young and the Restless and then riding my bike to Leal's ( used to be Taco Rico) for lunch EVERYDAY. Wow, summers as a kid were amazing.
Went to a few garage sales.
Went to pick up the monkeys.
Argued with James.
Cleaned house.
Made up with James.
Made lunch.
Took naps.
Went grocery shopping.
Cooked dinner.
Cleaned the play room while James bathed the kids.
Had devotinal- tonight was Shout to the Lord and the story of Jacob. Quick idea for simple family devotional, we found a kids Jesus loves me station on Pandora and we sing a song from it and then we downloaded a $0.99 app for the ipad with about 25 bible stories on it. Nice little mixing up on the family devotional.
Now I am blogging, about to eat a blueberry muffin because I did not like the dinner I made and watch the King's Speech. The End.


Jess said...

sounds like a good day to me! I'm bummed I never had those breakfast burritos when I lived there. Sounds good!