Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Blessed and Hopeful

I love the New Year. It feels so fresh....obviously. I feel a fresh wind in my sails to be ME to the fullest and faith to know God in new ways. We had a wonderful holiday traveling all over Texas visiting family,celebrating my 28th birthday and getting good down time. Over the course of the past two weeks James and I have recounted all the blessings of our 2007 and at times were speechless when thinking of all the beautiful ways God has proven Himself faithful and good yet once again in our lives. And as we look to 2008, there are dreams in our hearts both very practical and spiritual that we hope to see come to pass. But truly even if all of our "dreams do not come true", we always have hope in our hearts because of the bold and courageous life that Jesus lived and what his life and death accomplished for us. So for all of us I am hopeful.
"Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul,
And sings the tune without the words,
And never stops at all, " Emily Dickinson


Hillary said...

I love the pictures! And what a great post! This is such a great time of year! It's a chance to become better in so many ways! I hope 2008 is a blessed year for you and your family!!!