Wednesday, February 20, 2008


I wish I had a picture for this blog. Last week I discussed with my doctor Keller's consistency of his...mmm... poop. One thing his nurse told me was to feed him fatty things-whole milk, toast with butter. Today we were out to eat with friends and I put a little butter on his roll. He ate it, but then grabbed for the little mini tub of butter and began to stick his finger in and by the fingerful eat butter.stragiht. No actually mom it is better by itself is what he seemed to be saying as he licked the tub clean. I chuckled and told my friends who know me and love but still probably thought I was a little off my rocker, " Don't worry the doctors orders."


Kelly said...

I love it! Charlie agrees with Keller that you don't need a roll to eat butter. Also, I let Charlie drink the little half and half cartons when we go out to eat and it nearly drives Rusty up the wall.

Brent and Shan said...

oh my gosh~ mikey used to do the same thing. he loved to eat butter straight. anytime that i would let him. :) and rye, she will eat all the jelly packets~ ALL OF THEM if i will let her! i have to remind her that jelly packets are NOT an appetizer! LOL

Sarah W said...

This makes me feel better :) Rhett eats ranch dressing, ketchup, and maple syrup by itself. Yummy.