Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Keller at his first Luau at church.

1.Keller's new words are hat,duck,hot,yuck and Jack...maybe he is just saying hat and duck and we are pretending the other ones because they sound the same-but we'll give it to him. He actually says "haaaattttt", "duckkkkk".He likes to enunciate. Very cute.
2.James and Keller have started going on a weekly lunch date. Today they went to Chikfila. I love that my husband takes time to do this during a hectic day of work-chooses to engage his son and give mommy a bit of a break.
3. I mowed the backyard today. It's not a first in my lifetime but a first since, O, 7th grade. It was very enjoyable.
4.My picture sharing is limited these days because our computer is sick. pray for her.
Happy Wednesday.


Kelly said...

He is so cute! I love this picture. He really does look grown up....maybe it's the jeans and just big boy clothes. I know Caleb is only 9mos, but still he looks so much older when I dress him in big boy clothes. Usually he wears jammies and footed clothes all day long....he still scoots all over the floor.
Love you..thanks for sharing.