Tuesday, October 23, 2007


I am so glad that I do not have to wear a diaper anymore. I realize that I may have to wear one again one day in my old age but not today. My poor baby has a little rash from his pamper and it made me so thankful that we evolve, grow and learn and that one day he will know how to hold the urges until he reaches the proper place of disposal. Even though sometimes it seems I will always be changing diapers, I do not know many 17 year old boys stil in them. So today I do not have to wear a diaper and one day my son will not have to either. That makes me thankful.


Emily said...

What a hilarious and true post. It was fun to see you on your walk the other night.

Vik said...

I just have one question for us all, how did we ever get old enough to have kids? I look at everyone's blogs and see everyone with their own children. It just hit me and seems quite sureal to me at the moment. Little people that look and act just like us. It's amazing....

Britt and Christina Knighton said...

i too am thankful for that. Thanks for the realization :)